Monday, February 16, 2009

I'd like to think I am a pretty smart chick. I score high on tests (thank god - cause I never studied, even if my life depended on it). I am quick on my feet (I have been referred to as the Spin Doctor on more than one occasion) and I can remove myself from my current situation (after anger/dispair/hilarity has run its course) and make a chess move that sets in motion the best plan of action. SO: Here's where I'm at today.
I am getting divorced. Soon. No one knows, really, except me. And maybe a couple confidants, whom I am sure don't believe I will go through with it. But I can't take this marriage anymore. I drive a nice car. I wear nice clothes. I have a nice house. I have lots of time to spend with my friends.... But if it don't get out from underneath this CRUSHING WEIGHT know as a marriage, I will absolutely implode. I HATE MY HOME LIFE.
I have had bad relationships. I have even had a relationship end with a restraining order. And this one is worse. It has SUCKED THE LIFE OUT OF ME. I no longer have the strength, energy or determination to fight - but I am going to have to save up and get it, because I am gone. Only thing slowing me down is kids, finances and balls. All of which are going to have to be addressed in the next 6 months. Cause THIS Thanksgiving I am going to have something really spectacular to be Thankful For: FREEDOM.
And you, dear reader, are going to get the chance to jump on this roller coaster with me. Don't be scared - live vicariously through me.. You might learn something. Of course - it might be what NOT to do, but it's a lesson, nonetheless.
The clock is ticking. I am gathering documentation, I am paying down debt, I am repeating mantras like that character from Al Franken on SNL. Whatever it takes. No matter how bad it gets. I am inching my way to the cliff, and I can ALMOST feel the adreline rush. You all stick with me - cheer me on.. I can almost hear it: CA-ATE, CA-ATE, CA-ATE...

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